
The Self Seekers

A bunch of ‘Truthists’ aspiring for their spiritual growth and Self-development without getting clouded by our inherited beliefs and dogmas. We see all faiths as different modalities working towards improving the ‘Humanity Quotient’ of their followers, and all scriptures as books with sole objective of helping us achieve our human perfection. Our path is path of saints, science and common sense. 

Friends, all of us are endowed with the capacity to go back to our primary nature ‘Love’, to become aligned with the ‘Truth’ but our redundant beliefs and faulty orientations often prove ineffective in restoring our connection with the Supreme; forcing us to live a dull, stressful and unfulfilled life.

‘The Self Seekers’ takes you through a unique experiential journey of realization, using age old principles of transformation used by our saints and cultures, and validating them with some path-breaking research. Our programmes are a beautiful mix of immersive learning tools like Presentations, Demonstrations, Storytelling, Role Plays, Activities, Music, and of course some serious philosophy explained in a light and relatable manner. These programmes go a long way in helping the participants live a rich and fulfilled life by permeating the learning into all facets of their life, be it work, relationship or consolidating their connection with the Supreme.

You may register to join our talks, upcoming camps and retreats:

Hasnain Waris

15 years of working in the glitzy and creative world of advertising coupled with 30 years of freaky spiritual quest Hasnain a unique blend of some sort. It was while working on the biography of his guru that Hasnain managed to discover his calling. In 2013, he decided to quit his full time job and dedicate his second inning to people development and spreading the message of conscious living.

He’s an author a certified Life Coach, NLP, EFT and L&D professional. He helps corporates as a ‘Performance Consultant’, and individuals as a ‘Spiritual Coach’. He’s founder of  ‘The Self Seekers’, an organization that conducts talks, workshops and retreats to help people gain clarity about their true self and live a fulfilled and meaningful life. 

As they say, ‘People are looking for the right thing, at wrong places’. He helps people get their placement right.

Our sessions help you:

Locate the pitfalls in your Spiritual Journey

Experience the transformative power of 'Love'

Learn how to see the 'Truth'

Learn to be spiritual beyond religion, cult or rituals

Learn how to seek a 'Guru'(spiritual role model)